Check out Exposition at the 2009 Boston Underground Film Festival. It’s playing Saturday, March 21st at the Brattle Theatre.
5:30 p.m.: “Make Your Own Damn Music Video!”
5 Seashells, dir. Ethan Feldbau
88th Precinct, dir. Allen Cordell
Buck + Judy, dir. C Spencer Yeh
C-Star, dir. Michael Pope
Exposition, dir. Stephanie Stender
Get Wise To Yourself, dir. Stephen Hal Fishman, Stephen Fishman
Frontload, dir. Andy McCarthy
Got My Number, dir. Ben Levin
Grey Shallows, dir. Zea Barker
Haunted By the Thought of You, dir. Terran Schackor
Her Morning Elegance, dir. Oren Lavie
Hunt, dir. Yohei Ito
Illuminant, dir. Tobias Stretch
Molten Light, dir. Chad VanGaalen
Negative Thinking, dir. Danny Baxter
O Scorpio, dir. Noah Blumenson-Cook
Sacrilege, dir. Theodore Cormey
Second Cousin, dir. Michael Pope
This is an Adventure, dir. James Bernardinelli
“What’s the Use of Wond’rin”
For more info, or to check out the rest of the awesome lineup, go to